Denver Bars and Restaurants Open on Christmas

Merry merry happy happy! Whether you’re headed out with the family for a no-mess holiday dinner or just need a break from the crush of random relatives and torn wrapping, there are several bars and restaurants open and ready to serve. Check our list (we already checked it twice) and enjoy your holiday with a drink in hand. Know any others we're missing? Let us know in the comments.
Atomic Cowboy: Open at 2 PM.
The Corner Office: Open 8 AM–8 PM.
DazzleJazz: Open regular hours with $27 Holiday brunch and $10 bottomless mimosas.
El Diablo: Open at 5 PM.
Elway’s Downtown: Open regular hours with brunch and dinner buffets.
Highland Tap & Burger: Open at night for drinks only.
Parallel 17: Open 1–8 PM.
Prima Ristorante: Open regular hours with special menu.
The Retro Room: Open at 7 PM with $3 “you call its.”
Rialto: Open regular hours.
Second Home: Open 7 AM–3 PM for pajama brunch with holiday films and cookie decorating. Kids under eight wearing pajamas eat free.
Sobo 151: Open at 6 PM.
Photo via Flickr user jarnott
Event Date: 12/25
Event Time: Various Times
Location: Various Bars
Price: Varies