Veil Brewing Co. Creates an Oreo-Flavored Beer
Richmond, Virginia’s Veil Brewing Company is making all of our childish dreams come true with their latest release - which is brewed with Oreos.
The beer is an adaptation of their Hornswoggler, which is a 7% ABV chocolate milk stout. The beer attained its Oreo flavor from being conditioned on an incredible 100 pounds of cookies.
The brewery warned in a Facebook post, “there may be some residual fermentable sugars from the cookies in the beer … We also suggest consuming this beer as fresh as possible for the most intense Oreo character.” Fermentable oreo sugars? Sounds delicious.
Hornswoggler with Oreos was released in cans last week at the brewery and immediately sold out. If you’re in the Richmond area the brew is still available on draft for a limited time (probably will be kicked midweek). For those not in the area, the brewery said in a Facebook post that due to the overwhelming demand from the beer, they will be brewing another batch they’re just not sure when.
Photo via Flickr user eren {sea + prairie}
Tags: Beer, News