BARTRENDr App Causes Quite a Stir with Marketing Campaign

by Ryan Hudak on Oct 20, 2014 in Culture
BARTRENDr App Causes Quite a Stir with Marketing Campaign

There’s a new app making waves in the booze world, and not necessarily for its functionality. BARTRENDr (notice the extra ‘r’ in there), which is supposed to help you find bars to go to based on where your friends are (or bars to avoid based on where people like your mom or your boss are), has upset quite a few people with their “tasteless” and “appalling” advertising. The app has taken to starting fake campaigns for the first ever bar for pregnant women (Gestations) and one for on-duty pilots (Blackbox). While clearly both are jokes, the very idea of these things has offended squares all over the place and proven that there is no such thing as bad publicity.

Once you dive in, the app can be somewhat useful if you don’t communicate with your friends regularly and have to somehow hunt them down to hang out. People can share in your stream where they are, what the vibe is (from casual to rowdy), how full it is (from empty to packed) and what the clientele is like (from bros and cougars to hipsters and hotties to the vaguely racist brothas). You can leave notes, take pictures of drinks, and even find other lonely people at the same bar who want a drinking buddy.

The aforementioned ad campaigns all tell people to show up at Gestations at 504 East 5th Street on October 25 “before that water breaks.” While the idea that an actual bar for pregnant women will open is doubtful, we’ll check back to see just what exactly happens on that Saturday.

Photo via Eater

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