College Students Develop Nail Polish That Detects Date Rape Drugs in Drinks

by Kate Monzo on Sep 3, 2014 in Culture
College Students Develop Nail Polish That Detects Date Rape Drugs in Drinks

Gone are the days of worrying about ending up on a rooftop of a Las Vegas casino like Doug from The Hangover. Four male undergrads from North Carolina State University have introduced a new nail polish that changes color when it comes in contact with date rape drugs in drinks.

Coming from “the first fashion company working to prevent sexual assault,” Undercover Colors is designed to change color when it is in the presence of date rape drugs such as Xanax, Rohypnol, and GHB, according to its Facebook page.

The way it works is simple. While at the bar, a woman can stir her finger in her drink and look to see if the color of her nail polish has changed. If it has, she’ll know that something is wrong.

However, this has sparked some debate over how familiar the creators are with the culture of rape. The Huffington Post argued that this product could be “placing the burden of safety back onto women.”

Although Undercover Colors is not for sale yet, donations to aid the company’s research efforts are currently being accepted.

Photo: Flickr user remitaylor

Tags: Beer, Bourbon, Cocktails, News, Spirits, Tequila, Whiskey, Wine
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