Attention Females: Crafty Ladies Beer Club Needs a Few Good Women

Would you like to join an exclusive club? Okay, it’s not all that exclusive — the only two requirements are that you love beer and you’re a woman. If that’s you, girlfriend, then you’re a perfect candidate to join the Crafty Ladies Beer Club at Highland Tap and Burger.
The Crafty Ladies beer club meets at HTB twice a month with the purpose of introducing women to the wonders of craft beer and providing a fun forum for brew-centric discussion between members. All metro-area women are welcome to join.
Founded in 2009, the Highland Tap and Burger is a popular bar and grill located in the Highland section of North Denver. The spot is famous for gourmet burger and beer combos (and we held the Drink Denver launch party there). Owner Katie O’Shea help start the Craft Ladies club, recognizing that women are notoriously cautious of beer, but with a little education and some encouragement, soon learn the love of suds — finding their way around a pint glass and learning the difference between an ale and porter.
When Crafty Ladies started, the group held dinners only once a month, but demand has outpaced supply and now the bi-monthly dinners/meetings sell out quickly. It’s easy to join the group — just like the Facebook page or sign up for the monthly e-newsletter.
In December, Crafty Ladies will host two events. One is a Tuesday, December 18 holiday beer dinner dubbed “Old World/New World” with Avery Brewing Company and specialty beer importers Merchant du Vin.
Before that, on Tuesday, December 4, the Crafty Ladies will launch a brand new website. The website launch party — featuring beers from Firestone Walker and Great Divide Brewing — is already sold out, but there is a waiting list available. Get on it by emailing Katie at
Event Date: 12/18
Event Time: Info soon
Location: Highland Tap & Burger
Price: Info coming soon