5 Weird Hangover Cures from Around the World

by Steven Jessop on Aug 24, 2012 in Culture
 5 Weird Hangover Cures from Around the World

People everywhere understand a simple, universal truth: drinking alcohol is fun until it’s not. Everyone has felt the crushing blow of an epic hangover after waking up from a booze-soaked night with friends — aside from the teetotalers of the world, of course — and this shared experience of pain, regret, and sudden nausea is one of the moments that bonds us all together as humans. Am I over-analyzing the significance of a hangover? Perhaps, but as anyone who has had to crawl to their kitchen sink to get a glass of water while shouting “WHY, GOD, WHY?” in 80 proof breaths can tell you, it’s nice to think that someone, somewhere is having the same hellish morning.

Luckily there are many people in the same sinking boat when it comes to hangovers, as evidenced by how many hangover cures exist in the world. My personal remedy is a tall glass of apple juice and a giant turkey club with extra mayonnaise, but I haven’t conducted any formal research to prove if those items are actual hangover cures or just foods that taste good to me and take my mind off the splitting headache. The following cures are regarded highly enough to be used by entire countries, so despite the fact that they’re all extremely odd, chances are they’ll make you feel a little less like death warmed up.

Featured Image courtesy of Afroswede via Flickr

This story courtesy of our contributors at Travel Freak

Tags: Beer, Cocktails, Food
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