Back in 2011, gypsy brewer Jeppe Jarnit-Bjergsø began releasing a line of Evil Twin Brewing beers dubbed “Hipster Ale.” There was a Williamsburg Hipster, dedicated to the skinny-jeans-wearing crowd in Brooklyn; an Istedgade Hipster (it’s the name of a hip street in the brewer’s home city of Copenhagen); and Sønderho Hipster, after another Danish city.
There was just one quality missing from all of these releases, something that kept them from being fully hipster themselves — the ales were released in bottles. As everyone knows, hipsters drink beer in cans (PBR’s only usual vessel).
Fear not, hipster lovers and mockers, for this month comes news that Evil Twin will release Hipster Ale in cans, some time this year. Which version of the pale ale made it into cans? It’s an all new “global hipster,” Jarnit-Bjergsø says, and when it does come out, it will be available wherever other Evil Twin brews are sold (via distribution by
Twelve Percent Imports).
Hipster or not, we’re looking forward to trying it (though maybe not in public).
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