Breckenridge Brewery Releases 2018 Denver Comic Con Beer
The event of the summer is coming back to Colorado. Denver Comic Con 2018 will be held at the Colorado Convention Center June 15-17 and once again Breckenridge Brewery has released a special beer just for you cosplay cuties. Razznarok hits town today, May 17. Razznarok will be making appearances at events all around town for the next month.
The 2018 DCC beer is a Belgian-style witbier brewed with fresh raspberry puree. Breckenridge has produced the official DCC beer for seven straight years and they will be releasing it with limited edition DCC beer pint glasses. This year’s glass artist is local comic artist Morgan Beem. The beer was also named through the annual “Name the DCC Beer” contest by Breckenridge and Razznarok beat out over 800 submissions this year. The name was inspired by the 2017 movie Thor: Ragnarok. Past winning names included The Fantastic Pour, The Caped Brewsader, Brews Wayne, Hulk’s Mash, Snape-ricot and last year’s winner I Am Brewt. Use these as inspiration for next year’s beer.
There is a premier party on Thursday, May 17, at Stoney’s Bar & Grill beginning at 7 PM featuring 6 Million Dollar Band. The first 200 people to enter Stoney’s will receive the special pint glass. To locate Razznarok and other special events, follow Breckenridge Brewery on Facebook and Twitter to see where this special beer will pop up next.
Photo courtesy of Breckenridge Brewery
Tags: Beer