Enjoy the Adult's Only Science Lounge Events at DMNS

Enjoy a mind-expanding experience with cocktails and entertainment every third Thursday of the month at Denver Museum of Nature and Science with the adult’s only The Science Lounge. Events begin at 6:30 PM.
On March 15, light up your life with Luminous, an interactive exhibit that explores the world of bioluminescence, fluorescence and iridescence. Patrons can play with the spectrum of light from the infrared to the ultraviolet and stir up a glowing chemistry concoction while drinking cocktails.
On April 19, explore our celestial neighbor Mars. Imagine what life on the red rocky planet might be like and talk to an ‘astronaut’ in a Mars diorama. Learn about Insight, the next Mars lander, and enjoy an evening in space without leaving your own planet.
On May 17, learn how to be an Urban Homesteader. Get practical science lessons on creating food and drink at home from canning to kombucha. Get your hands dirty with gardening advice and learn how to milk your own goat. Or you can just pet the museum’s visiting goat.
Tickets for The Science Lounge are $13 per person for DMNS members and $15 for non-members and can be purchased online. The events begin with a cocktail reception, cash bar only, and then breaks into three mini-session throughout the evening. Food is also available for purchase. The event runs until 9:30 PM.
Photo via Flickr user Steve Farris
Event Date: 03/15,04/19,05/17
Event Time: 6:30-9:30 PM
Location: Denver Museum of Nature and Science
Price: $15 per person
Type: Beer,Cocktails,Education,Wine
Website: www.dmns.org/
Tags: Beer, Cocktails, Education, Wine