Hop to the Fresh Hop Festival at Falling Rock

Get fresh

Hop heads rejoice! One of Denver's most popular beer festivals, the 12th annual Fresh Hop Festival is happening Saturday, October 14, from 1 to 4 PM at Falling Rock Tap House. Enjoy exclusive brews with a variety of hop levels, flavors, color and style. 

The festival shines a light on beers made with the freshest of fresh hops. Fresh hop beers are beers made with whole cone hops that connect with the wort within 24 hours of harvest. These beers are seasonal, fresh and perfect for fall. 

Participating breweries include:  4 Noses, Avery, Barrels and Bottles, Brewery on Broadway, Bonfire, Boulder Beer, Caution, Chain Reaction, Colorado Cider, Comrade, Crystal Springs, Dillon Dam, Dry Dock, El Rancho, Epic, Florence, Great Divide, Halfpenny, Horse & Dragon, Jagged Mountain, Joy Ride, Left Hand, Little Machine, Lone Tree, Nano 108, Odd 13, SanitasSpangalang, Station 26, Strange Craft, Westfax, Wibby and more to be added. 

There is a new format for the festival this year. The biggest change is there will be no tickets to purchase. Instead beers will be sold by the glass with $0.50 of each pour donated to the Colorado Brewers Guild. Guests can RSVP on the event's Facebook page. 

Photo via Colorado Brewer's Guild on Facebook

Event Date: 10/14
Event Time: 1-4 PM
Location: Falling Rock Tap House
Price: PAYG
Website: www.facebook.com/events/365154603920939/

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