Where to Toast the Solar Eclipse in Denver

Earth, moon and sun
Where to Toast the Solar Eclipse in Denver

On Monday, August 21, our solar system will put on one of its best cosmic displays with the 2017 Great American Solar Eclipse. The moon will pass in front of the sun creating an awe-inspiring sight and will travel across the continental US. Unfortunately, Denver is not in the Path of Totality meaning we will only get a partial eclipse. However, Denver will see 92% totality so for those of us who can’t make it to Wyoming or Nebraska we should still get a pretty good show. Here in Denver the sky will only dim to a light similar to dusk and we won’t get to see the famed corona flare, the ring of light that encircles the sun during totality. However, no one should miss an opportunity to see any eclipse so get outside Denver and enjoy. The moon will start its journey across the sun at 10:23 AM Mountain Time and is expected to be at maximum at 11:47 AM. It will finish around 1:14 PM. Also remember you should never stare directly at the sun. You need to get a pair of approved ISO eclipse glasses.  It also doesn’t hurt to have a drink in your hand so here are some places around town to celebrate the celestial light show.

The Science Lounge, Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Thursday, August 17
Gear up for the big event with a pre-party at the Denver Music of Nature and Science. The August Science Lounge this Thursday will be all about eclipses. Find out how an eclipse happens and learn the safest ways to view the eclipse on Monday. Guests to this 21 and over-only event will also be able to view the sun with solar telescopes and explore the solar system at the museum’s Space Odyssey exhibit while sipping a cocktails and other adult beverages. Cost is $15 for non-members and $13 for members and can be purchase on the museum’s website. (2001 Colorado Blvd.; 303-370-6000)

deerhammer Distillery, Buena Vista, Monday, August 21
This mountain town distillery is hosting and eclipse viewing party that will feature the $5 Barrel Aged Black Hole Sun, a coffee Old Fashioned, during the eclipse. Distillery owner Lenny Eckstein says, “We ordered in a whole mess of those super dark glasses for customers.” That is all the invite we need. Buena Vista is over a two hour drive from Denver and traffic the day of the eclipse is expected to be rough. Plan your trip accordingly. (321 E. Main St., Buena Vista,; 719-395-9464)

Steuben’s Uptown, Monday, August 21
Stueben’s will have a cocktail special for the eclipse on Monday. The Dusk Til Dawn features Elmeca Altos Reposado Tequila, Leopold Bros. Orange Liqueur, Meletti Amaro, lime juice and a Alverdi Sangiovese float. Cost for this sunny cocktail is $6. (523 E. 17th Ave.; 303-830-1001)

Tupelo Honey, Monday, August 21
Near Union Station, guests can enjoy the Total Eclipse of the Heart cocktail featuring gin, orange juice, Campari and activated charcoal. The charcoal serves to mimic the astrological happenings during the eclipse with the cocktail turning into a blackout hue.See this cocktail in action at the restaurant's Eclipse Partio Party from 1:30 PM to 4 PM Monday featuring $10 all-you-can-eat Happy Hour snacks. (1650 Wewatta St.; 720-274-0650)

Vesta, Monday, August 21
Vesta downtown is having a little throwback fun with the solar eclipse. Enjoy the Total Eclipse of the Heart cocktail all day. This sipper is made with Lunazul (means blue moon in Spanish. Get it?) Tequila, crème de voilette, black cherry and lemon. Enjoy at Vesta all day. (1822 Blake St.; 303-296-1970)

ViewHouse Ballpark, Centennial, and Littleton, Monday, August 21
Get a view of the eclipse from the ViewHouse on Monday. All three locations will open the rooftops early so guests can see in the eclipse in all its glory at a VIEWing Party. The locations will open at 10 AM and the first 40 guests at each spot will receive a FREE pair of solar eclipse glasses so they can watch in safety. There will also be food and drink specials including $3 Blue Moon beers, of course, along with $5 breakfast burritos from 10 AM to 3 PM. There will also be a special lunch combo menu from 11 AM to 3 PM. (Downtown, 2015 Market St.; Centennial, 7101 S. Clinton St.; Littleton, 2680 W. Main St.)

Photo via Flickr user kubotake

Tags: Beer, Cocktails, Spirits
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