German Town Builds Beer Pipeline for its Annual Heavy Metal Festival
The Wacken Open Air Festival is a heavy metal music fest held annually in Wacken, a small town in Germany. Normally the town has only 1,800 people, but during the festival the number shoots up to more than 75,000 concert goers ready to rock out and drink beer. The problem with transporting the amount of beer required for such a festival has been addressed by some brilliant German engineering: A pipeline that will ship in the 100,000 plus gallons of beer that is normally consumed at the festival.
In previous years, dozens of kegs were brought in by heavy trucks and toiling workers, which created a mess of the grounds, tearing up the soil and creating massive amounts of mud. Now, above ground pipes will ship in the beer, providing more than a gallon’s worth to each festival goer. The pressurized system will allow for six beers to be poured in six seconds, cutting down on wait times.
Photo via Flickr user sarae