Enjoy National Wine Day with Colorado Wines

Rocky Mountain vines
by Carrie Dow on May 23, 2017 in Wine

Thursday, May 25 is National Wine Day. Sounds like a good reason to have a glass if you ask us! To help out, the Colorado Wine Board has suggestions for Colorado wines to enjoy on this special day. The Board believes that since we Denverites love to support local, buying wine should be no different. With over 120 wineries in the state, it can be difficult to find the right one so the Board has selected some tasty wines to try, especially as we head into summer. All wines are available at large liquor retailers, but can also be ordered online.

Pomegranate Rouge by Aspen Peak Cellars
You may have seen or heard about the tragic destruction of this winery ‘s production facility by a runaway semi-truck near Baily, CO. Fortunately no one was hurt, but the winery has had to set up a temporary production in nearby Pine Junction while rebuilding. However, the winery’s most popular styles are still available. Consider finding a bottle or two of the Pomegranate Rouge. This is a light bodied Zinfadel with natural pomegranate flavoring that works well with summer desserts or to use in summer cocktails. You can order from the winery’s website and shipping in Colorado is free when ordering three bottles or more. 

2014 Grateful Red by Winter Park Winery
Handcrafted at 8,675 feet in the Fraser Valley not far from Denver, Winter Park Winery’s 2014 Grateful Red captures the fun and funky spirit of the 60s. The wine is 100% Tempranillo for a dry, full bodied berry wine. This and other Winter Park wines are available for purchase online at the winery’s website.

Peach Dessert Wine by Mesa Winds Farm
Located in Hotchkiss, CO, Mesa Winds is a 36-acre farm and winery that has orchards, sheep, grape vines and more. While the farm grows the grapes of Burgandy, France - Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier - this award-winning winery makes dessert wines with their home grown peaches. The Peach Dessert Wine makes a perfect aperitif and is available for purchase on the farm’s website.

2015 Tulip by Two Rivers
Tulip, one of this Grand Junction winery’s most coveted blends, actually came about by necessity. A while back the winery had extra Riesling grapes they weren’t sure what to do with. The owners, Bob and Billie Witham, decided to add the extra grapes to some Merlot and a star was born. Now Two Rivers makes this blend every year and it is a blend of 15% Merlot and 85% Riesling. The winery suggests using Tulip to make a summer sangria. The 2015 Tulip is available on the winery’s website.  

Photo via Carrie Dow

Tags: Wine
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