Oskar Blues Brewery to Host Hooky Days to Loveland
While there hasn’t been much snow here in the city, the mountains have been getting pounded with powder. You know what that means. Start practicing your cough and call the boss because it’s time to play hooky! Oskar Blues Brewery and Dougherty’s Pub will host Loveland Hooky Days during ski season. Get a bus ride, a lift ticket, beer, snacks and lunch without having to do any of the driving.
Hooky Days are on Thursdays, February 9, March 9, and April 13. The bus picks skiers up at 9 AM at Doughtery’s for the trip on I-70 to Loveland Ski Area. Ski all day before the bus returns at 4:30 PM. Oskar Blues will be giving away a free pair of Oskar Blues skis, cooking up some beer can chicken and handing out beer specials all day long.
Tickets for the bus are $65 per person and include the lift ticket. Skiers can also purchase a $25 lift ticket and meet the bus up there and still get in on the fun. Tickets can be purchased online for all days here. Dougherty's Pub is located in the Baker Neighborhood one block from Broadway.
Photo via Oskar Blues Brewery on Facebook
Event Date: 02/09,03/09,04/13
Event Time: 9 AM-4:30 MP
Location: Doughtery's Pub
Price: $65 per person
Type: Beer,Parties
Website: www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/1378574
Tags: Beer, Parties