Get Festive at Denver Beer Festivus
Enjoy a special holiday-themed beer festival that celebrates Denver’s amazing growing craft beer scene and culture. Every single brewery within the city limits is eligible to attend. Drink up on Saturday, Decemeber 17 starting at 4 PM.
What is Denver Beer Festivus? As you can guess, there is beer involved. The event is expecting 60 breweries and cideries this year. Then the festival adds a few Seinfeld touches, such as the Feats of Strength and the Festivus Pole.
Held at the Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum, this event has also been moved to Saturday afternoon to avoid certain complaints about missing a certain Denver football game. Tickets are $40 for General Admission and include commemorative glassware. Feats of Strength Tickets are $65 per person and include hour early entry with access to beers in advance, a food voucher and a different special commemorative glass. Tickets can be purchased online from TwoParts. Keep checking the website to keep up with participating breweries.
Photo via Two Parts on Facebook
Event Date: 12/17
Event Time: 4-7 PM
Location: Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum
Price: $40 per person
Type: Beer,Festival,Food
Tags: Beer, Festival, Food