Expand Your Mind at DMNS' Science Lounge

Have a drink and expand your mind with other intelligent beings such as yourself at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. The adults-only Science Lounge continues into the fall.
Each month the Science Lounge explores a topic that coincides with the museum’s fascinating exhibits. Along with seminars and mini-lectures, guests get to peruse the museum’s hallways while enjoying a selection of libations. Each event also features a special cocktail made to go with the evening’s theme.
For September learn about Mutants. The superhuman powers of the X-Men movies aren’t so far off from the reality of genetic mutation. Channel your inner mutant and learn the processes that cause DNA to go rogue. Mutation may have a bed reputation, but investigate how it gives some life on Earth a supernatural advantage. A
Then in October celebrate all things Halloween with So, You’re Dead. Join in the elegies for the deceased and uncover what mummies and fossilized mammoths have in common at this ghoulish gathering. Dress in your best undead attire to explore Extreme Mammals with creatures that once roamed our planet and visit exhibits from “Mummies: New Secrets from the Tombs.”
Mutants will be held Thursday, September 15, and So, You’re Dead on Thursday, October 20. Cost is $13 for museum members and $15 for nonmembers. Both events start at 6:30 PM. Tickets can be purchased in advance on the museum’s website.
Photo via Flickr user Stephen Farris
Event Date: 09/15,10/20
Event Time: 6:30-9:30 PM
Location: Denver Museum of Nature and Science
Price: $15 per person
Website: www.dmns.org