The DMNS Science Lounge Will Blow Your Mind

Enjoy a thought-provoking experience with cocktails and entertainment on the third Thursday of each month at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. The Science Lounge will blow your mind!
For July, venture deep into the solar system and discover Jupiter and its moons in Unveiling Jupiter. What’s beneath all those clouds? Guests can cheer on Juno, the NASA craft arriving on the planet in July, and find out what’s going on with our giant planetary neighbor. This event is July 21.
For August, compete with the best at the Geek Cup Olympic Challenge. The museum calls it “an Amazonian field day” complete with carnival competitions, jungle animal races and ends with a samba dance party. Guests can go head-to-head with science geeks to see who wins the gold. This event is August 18.
Tickets are $15 for non-museum members and $13 for members and can be purchased on the museum’s website. All events are from 6:30 to 9:30 PM. The events are 21 and up only and the beverages and food are purchased separately.
Photo via Flickr user tedeytan
Event Date: 07/21,08/18
Event Time: 6:30-9:30 PM
Location: Denver Museum of Nature and Science
Price: $15 per person
Type: Beer,Cocktails,Education,Wine
Tags: Beer, Cocktails, Education, Wine