Oskar Blues Cans Water Instead of Beer to Help South Carolina Flood Areas

CAN'd Aid at work
by Carrie Dow on Oct 13, 2015 in Culture

What began as a way to help Oskar Blues Brewery’s hometown of Lyons, CO, after the devastating floods in 2013 is now helping flood victims in South Carolina. The brewery, which recently opened a second facility in Brevard, NC, wants to help get clean drinking water to the area.

CAN’d Aid Foundation began at Oskar Blues shortly after mass flash floods took out the town and surrounding area of Lyons, where founder Dale Katechis began his brewing odyssey. To help out the town, the brewery began canning clean water for drinking instead of beer, and the operation was dubbed CAN’d Aid. In the few short years the foundation has been around, it now supports a variety of charitable needs, such as trail building and music programs for kids. Since its inception, the Foundation has distributed more than $1,000,000 to support small businesses and families in need across the country. With the opening of OB’s second brewing facility in the eastern US, it only seemed logical to help nearby flood victims, who the brewery considers neighbors.

Canning began on October 9, and the brewery will continue to can as long as there is a need. The facility canned an initial shipment of more than 1,600 cases totaling over 38,000 cans of water. Those cans arrived in Columbia, SC, on Monday, October 12. More will be delivered in the coming days. OB officials say NGO All Hands is assisting in the distribution of the water in South Carolina. The effort is also helped by Ball Corporation, which has been providing the cans.

The CAN’d Aid Foundation follows Katechis’ mantra of spreading the message of “do-goodery” while still having a good time. To learn more about the foundation or to make a donation to help Oskar Blues continue doing good, visit the Foundation’s website

Photo via Oskar Blues

Tags: Beer
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