SeshFest is Back in Session, Aug. 1
At SeshFest—a festival devoted to session beers—you can try many, many session beers. And because it features session beers, you’re probably going to make it through the whole festival without waking up the next day feeling like you’ve been in a fight.
SeshFest is another event from Imbibe—a company that stages the best beer events in Denver that aren’t the Great American Beer Festival—and the Colorado Brewers Guild. For the festival’s purposes, session beers are defined as brews with less than five percent alcohol by volume. But don’t be put off by the light ABV, session beers can be every bit as tasty as more intoxicating brews.
Participating breweries feature some of Denver and Colorado’s major players, start-ups, and everything in between. Here’s the list: Alpine Dog, Avery, Baere, Big Choice Brewing, BJ's BrewHouse, Black Bottle, Black Sky, Bonfire, Boulder, Breckenridge, Butcherknife, Call to Arms, Cannonball Creek, CAUTION, Dude's Brews, Diebolt, Epic, Fiction, Great Divide, Jagged Mountain, Left Hand, Liquid Mechanics, Mockery, Odd13, Odell, Our Mutual Friend, Prost, Ratio, River North, Sanitas, Ska, Station 26, The Brew on Broadway (The BoB), The Old Mine Cidery & Brewpub, The Post, TRVE, Upslope, Wonderland, and Zwei. Late additions may happen.
If the SeshFest is anything like Imbibe’s other events, it will be worth checking out. For one, Imbibe does a great job, and for another, it’s hard to beat the low, low price of $25 for a major gathering of Colorado brewers.
SeshFest is happening Saturday, August 1 from noon to 4 PM at Sculpture Park. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit
Photo via Imbibe
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2015-08-01 12 PM
2015-08-01 4 PM
SeshFest is Back in Session, Aug. 1
Sculpture Park
Event Date: 08/01
Event Time: 12 PM - 4 PM
Location: Sculpture Park
Price: $25
Type: Beer,Festival,Outdoor Seating
Tags: Beer, Festival, Outdoor Seating