Feel the Power of Comrade Brewing's Superpower IPA

The problem is, IPAs populate the Colorado landscape like the Russian paratroopers from Red Dawn. Inherently, some of these beers are good. And some are bad. Some have been around since Glasnost, others are newcomers. One of the newest IPAs—less than a year old—is Comrade Brewing Company’s Superpower IPA, which also has the distinction, at least in my opinion, of being the best IPA in Colorado.
While not all of Colorado’s beer snobs will march in lock-step with me like the Soviet Army in Red Square, Superpower’s growing list of accolades help authenticate its goodness—a fresh-hop version won a silver medal at the 2014 Great American Beer Festival in the fresh or wet-hop category. Superpower’s color,
In the glass, Superpower is a beautiful golden color with a slight bubble of carbon dioxide defecting to the top of the clear liquid with a foamy white head that flies away like a MiG fighter in Top Gun. That’s not a problem—my guess is that most beer lovers will consume their Superpower as fast as a centrally planned economy takes to stifle individual entrepreneurship. Get your nose close to Superpower, and its aroma will fill your nostrils with a combination of flowers and citrus. This helps inform the wonderful flavors about to wash over your tongue, which are balanced well enough to retain a nice, clean hoppiness with enough malt to keep it from going to Chernobyl levels. Any IPA fan will recognize Superpower’s superior taste instantly, but others may get the idea that its bitterness is more Stalin than Gorbachev. I’d call it pleasantly bitter. Hop flavors run towards the citrus side of the hops spectrum with a little floral and fruit mixed in. Superpower goes down easy at 6.5% ABV and ranks with any of the IPAs from Oregon or California, so look for many more accolades to come its way.
While the letters “IPA” tend to repel the less-adventurous beer drinkers of the world like “ICBM” used to tamp down fledgling democracy movements in the Baltic states, Superpower should be sampled by just about everybody. As a bonus, the folks at Comrade believe in pouring “proper
Comrade Brewing Company, 7667 E Iliff Ave.; 720-748-0700
Photo via Comrade Brewing Company
Tags: Beer