Beer Review: Valar Morghulis, the Latest 'Game of Thrones' Inspired Release from Brewery Ommegang
Game of Thrones nerds will have to remain patient until next spring before the hit fantasy drama returns for its fifth season. But in the meantime, Brewery Ommegang has Valar Morghulis, its fourth GoT inspired beer, available for fans of the show.
While the previous release in the Cooperstown, NY brewer’s ongoing series of GOT beers, Fire and Blood, was brewed with a variety of specialty malts and a late addition of ancho chiles to summon some of the fire from heroine Daenerys Targaryen’s three pet dragons, this latest, a Belgian Dubbel, is a little more straightforward.
Poured from a 750ml bottle into a tall stemmed beer glass, the deep amber colored Valar Morghulis quickly forms a rich and creamy two- to three-finger tan head that lingers forever and leaves behind lacing for days as it’s sipped.
True to style, the dubbel puts forth bready and yeasty aromas backed with whiffs of raisins and plums and subtle traces of licorice, spice and alcohol as it warms up. What’s missing — or at least considerably dialed back — are the candi sugar, caramel and toffee notes found in Ommegang’s benchmark Abbey Dubbel.
As far as taste goes, Valar Morghulis delivers a rich and sweet malty punch with traces of plums, figs and brown sugar that give way to a fleeting spiciness that gradually fades to a drier than normal finish for the style. Those familiar with Ommegang’s core lineup of Belgian ales will surely notice that this latest GoT brew is considerably lighter than its medium-bodied Abbey Dubbel.
While it’s unlikely that Valar Morghulis will win over any Belgian beer purists, its deep complexity of aromas and flavors and easy drinkability makes it well worth checking out.
Tags: Beer