High-Roller Blows $80K at a Vegas Club to Construct a VIP Section Made of Beer
It’s been said that the right amount of money can buy just about anything in Las Vegas. And apparently the going rate for a VIP section constructed entirely from cases of beer at a club runs about $80,000.
At least that’s what XS Nightclub inside Wynn Las Vegas recently charged a high roller for such an amenity, according to Break.com. Photos of the VIP section cordoned off by cases of beer stacked to eye level began surfacing on the web earlier this week courtesy of ESPN sports reporter Darren Rovell.
We can't decide it we're grossed out beyond belief by such an in-your-face display of wealth. Or compleletly enamored by the sheer ingenuity of it all.
Photo: Darren Rovell/Twitter
Tags: Beer