Crafty Ladies Travel the World in Beer for August

On Tuesday, August 26, Merchant du Vin, the importer of Sam Smith, Lindeman, Ayinger and Trappist Ales, will visit the Crafty Ladies Beer Club of Highland Tap and Burger for an evening of worldly beer drinking.
The meeting will be held in a beerfest-style format featuring a table for each region of Europe that Merchant du Vin imports from. A variety of foods will be paired with each beer.
The fun starts at 6:30 PM and this event is ladies only! Tickets are $10 and are transferrable. Tickets can be purchased online through Eventbrite.
Photo via Flickr
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2014-08-26 6:30 PM
2014-08-26 9 PM
Crafty Ladies Travel the World in Beer for August
Highland Tap and Burger
Event Date: 08/26
Event Time: 6:30 PM - 9 PM
Location: Highland Tap and Burger
Price: $10 per lady
Type: Beer,Food
Tags: Beer, Food