Sip, Sup and Move Your Feet at Hoofin It, Aug 17-20

Farm to table dinners in Denver
Sip, Sup and Move Your Feet at Hoofin It, Aug 17-20

We here in Denver care about where our food comes from and what is on our plates. However, many of us are still unaware of where our food comes from. With that in mind, Hoofin It will take place in several Denver neighborhoods from August 17-20. Each night guests will be able to take a culinary tour through Downtown, Uptown, LoHi and Ballpark. Each neighborhood will take a different hoofed animal to be featured at the evening’s restaurants, four stops in total. Attendees can walk from one restaurant to the next exploring all the culinary delights that animal has to offer. The food will also be paired with beers and cocktails from local distillers and breweries. The events are also a great way to learn about local neighborhood restaurants. The evenings are as follows: 

Sunday, August 17Bison in Uptown: Participating restaurants are Denver Bicycle Café, Humboldt with J&L Distilling, P17 with Breckenridge Distillery and Vine Street Pub. Featured sponsor is J&L Distilling in Boulder.

Monday, August 18Sheep in Downtown: Participating restaurants are Jax Fish House, 1515 Restaurant and The Kitchen. Featured sponsor is Peach Street Distillers of Palisade.

Tuesday, August 19Pig in LoHi:  Participating restaurants are Highland Tap & Burger with Prost Brewing, Lola with Spring44 Distilling, Central Bistro with Breckenridge Distillery and Prost Brewing with American Grind. 

Wednesday, August 20Cow in Ballpark: Participating restaurants are Trillium with J&L Distilling, Curtis Club with Breckenridge Distillery, The Lobby and Ignite. Feature sponsor is Breckenridge Distillery.

Believe it or not, The Humane Society of the United States is also a featured sponsor of these events. The HSUS has long been concerned about farm animal protection and works to ensure farm animals are raised in a responsible and healthy way. All the farms providing animals each night have responsible practices. The farms participating include Heritage Belle Farms, Boulder Lamb, Prairie Ridge Buffalo Ranch and Callicrate Beef.

Diners can select one of three dinner times called Waves. Wave 1 is from 5:30 to 8 PM, Wave 2 is from 6 to 8:30 PM and Wave 3 is from 6:30 to 9 PM. Tickets to each evening are $60 and can be purchased online. Some Waves have already sold out. Check the website for details. 

Photo via Hoofin it

Add to Calendar 2014-08-17 5:30 PM 2014-08-17 9 PM 9 Sip, Sup and Move Your Feet at Hoofin It, Aug 17-20 Website: Uptown, Downtown, LoHi and Ballpark false YYYY-MM-DD
Event Date: 08/17,08/18,08/19,08/20
Event Time: 5:30 PM - 9 PM
Location: Uptown, Downtown, LoHi and Ballpark
Price: $60 per person
Type: Beer,Cocktails,Dinner,Food,Spirits,Wine

Tags: Beer, Cocktails, Dinner, Food, Spirits, Wine
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