Crafty Ladies Beer Club Will Meet Their Fate in July

For July, the Crafty Ladies Beer Club at the Highland Tap and Burger will host Fate Brewing from Boulder. Enjoy tasty sips from this unique brewery along with delicious small bites of HTB dishes.
The first event is Tuesday, July 15, and the second on Tuesday, July 22. Each event starts at 6:30 PM. Tickets are only $10 and can be purchased online. Tickets are also transferrable so if you can't make it, send an email to the club. Guestscan also get on a wait list. Use the email craftyladiesbeerclub @ to transfer tickets or get on the wait list.
This event is for ladies only! Sign up and learn how awesome Colorado craft beer is.
Event Date: 07/15,07/22
Event Time: 6:30-8 PM
Location: Highland Tap and Burger
Price: $10 per lady
Type: Beer,Food
Tags: Beer, Food