Samuel Adams Introduces Cold Snap at Great American Beer Festival Brunch

Beer for breakfast!
by Carrie Dow on Oct 18, 2013 in Beer for Marlowe's
Samuel Adams Introduces Cold Snap at Great American Beer Festival Brunch

What better place than the Great American Beer Festival for Boston Beer Company’s Jim Koch to introduce a new beer to the public. Samuel Adams Cold Snap received a warm welcome at the Samuel Adams Beer Brunch held at Marlowe’s on the 16th Street Mall last Friday, October 11.

The appropriately named Cold Snap is a Belgian-style white ale with a hazy golden wheat color and contains a refreshing mix of fruit and spice. One of the unique tastes found in Cold Snap, says Koch, are Valencia orange peels, which lend it citrus notes. The beer is brewed with a total of 10 fruits and spices.

“Don’t ask me to name them all,” said Koch to laughter from around the room. However, some of the tastes included coriander, plum, hibiscus and lemon zest. The beer, which will debut to the nation in January, will definitely bring a touch of summer to the cold winter months and will be available in both bottles and cans. Also on tap at the brunch was Samuel Adams Oktoberfest.

Also announced at the brunch were the winners of the Samuel Adams LongShot American Homebrew Contest. Four finalists traveled with Boston Beer to the Great American Beer Festival and were introduced at the brunch. With over 1,000 entries, it was not easy for these avid homebrewers to make the list. The finalists were Robert Horst of California and his Bourbon Stout, Russ Brunner of Florida and his American Stout, Cesar Marron of Illinois and his Grätzer, and Dave Pobutkiewicz of New Jersey and his Maibock. The winners were Russ Brunner and Cesar Marron. Koch also announced the winner of the Samuel Adams employee homebrew contest, Teresa Bury and her Pineapple IPA. Bury works as a brewing operations specialist for Boston Beer Company. The LongShot Homebrew winning beers will be brewed by Boston Beer and put together into a variety six-pack featuring two bottles of each beer. Look for the American Stout, the Grätzer and the Pineapple IPA in the spring of 2014.

“I’m proud to see these LongShot winners continuing to push boundaries, challenge themselves and show a real passion for brewing,” said Koch. “When you start brewing, you’re guaranteed one thing – a very messy kitchen, but there’s always the hope that your beer will be enjoyed by drinkers everywhere one day.”

Also announced at the brunch, Colorado's own Brewery Rickoli in Wheat Ridge has won an extended internship with Boston Beer Company. Called the Boston Beer Co. "Experienceship," Brewery Rickoli's owner Rick Abitbol will travel to Boston to receive help and education on how to grow his business. The brewery will also receive additional funding and will collaborate on a beer with Boston Beer Co. Opened last fall, Brewery Rickoli specializes in gluten-reduced beers and is a true nano-brewery, brewing beers "a keg at a time."

Photos by Carrie Dow


Tags: Beer, brunch
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