Breakfast of Champions Beer Dinner
The night is a celebration of author Kurt Vonnegut (he died on April 11, 2007) and features a one-night-only menu of breakfast dishes showcasing Tender Belly Pork and Novo Coffees.
Menu highlights include crispy poached duck egg and tender belly habanero bacon, breakfast hash of tender belly braised pork cheek, coffee-rubbed tender belly pork loin and coffee-malt cheesecake with a wheaties crust.
Each dinner course is paired with a Wynkoop beer, the night's beer list includes the return of Kurt's Mile High, a special beer brewed years ago in honor of Vonnegut. The beer is a coffee-infused lager built from a recipe by Vonnegut's brewer grandfather. It was given to Wynkoop founder (and now Colorado Governor) John Hickenlooper by the late great author of Breakfast of Champions, Slaughterhouse 5 and other American-literature classics.
Event Date: 04/11
Event Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Wynkoop Brewing Company
Price: $45
Type: Beer,Food
Tags: Beer, Food