Become a Guinness Believer

by Drink Denver on Feb 20, 2013 in Event Listing
Become a Guinness Believer

You are very likely familiar with Guinness, the stout that has become omnipresent in bars across the U.S., but do you know the whole story behind the 253-year-old brewing company?

Guinness wants to make you a Believer, and to achieve that end is hosting a series of events, where you will taste three beers within the Guinness family and learn more about the history and brewing heritage behind this Irish classic.

Held in a secret location in Denver, these hour-long sessions start with a freshly-poured Guinness Draught (which, despite its velvety smooth head, is only 125 calories per serving), then move on to samples of Foreign Extra Stout (a hoppier cousin, and the oldest continually brewed beer in the world) and Guinness Black Lager, a crisp lager with the roasted barley flavor that's at the heart of all Guinness.

While you imbibe, a Guinness ambassador will introduce you to the history behind the brew. You’ll also learn the finer points of how to pour a perfect pint of the dark beer, a ritual that has been crafted over many, many years.

To find out more about these events, click here and you'll be on your way to becoming a true Guinness Believer.

Event Date: 03/06,03/07,03/08
Event Time: Various Time Slots
Location: RSVP to Find Out
Price: FREE

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