Sign Up for Early Word on Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's Next Wine Release

by Melissa Auman Greiner on May 17, 2013 in Wine
Sign Up for Early Word on Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's Next Wine Release

UPDATE: We just received word that Wally Wine in Los Angelese just landed a whole shipment of the Jolie-Pitt Miraval Rosé, and it's available to ship all over the country (if your state allows it, of course).

These days, rising into Hollywood royalty simply isn’t enough. Once securing their status as a star, actors now venture off into side projects to showcase their depth — developing perfumes for teens, designing neon-hued sneakers, or writing a groundbreaking children’s book, perhaps. Hollywood king and queen Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are no exception, and recently released the first edition in their new career as winemakers.

Pitt and Jolie’s sprawling French estate was previously and now again is a vineyard, and the couple partners with well-known vintners Famille Perrin to develop their own line of wine. During the first week of March the first release from Miraval, a Provençal rosé, debuted, being sold online by the case for the quite affordable cost of $130. Five hours later, they were all gone.

Brangelina apparently had a decent hand in the creation of the wine, and helped develop the line’s new iconic bottle shape. Reviews of the rosé are good, too, calling it light, fruity, and supple. Trying it for yourself might prove difficult, though, if you weren’t one of the anxious buyers who immediately snagged a case or two. While a few bars and distributors have it available, mostly in the New York City area, most buyers were media or private consumers. We did find two online shops with a few bottles left: Zachys and Jericho Wine.

With the knowledge that the wine is good and not just a famous name slapped on a subpar product, you can plan ahead for Jolie and Pitt’s next release. The Miraval line is scheduled to release a white blend in August and two higher end cuvees (a red and a white) in September. No further details have been released, but interested parties can enter their email address on the Miraval website to be alerted sooner to sale. We just signed up… and also renewed our subscriptions to People and Us magazines, just in case.

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